Just a simple question to my blog readers and the Ubuntu community to test the wordpress WP-Poll plugin.
Do you dent or tweet ?
- None of them. (29%, 56 Votes)
- I tweet. (28%, 53 Votes)
- I use both. (24%, 46 Votes)
- I dent (http://identi.ca). (19%, 37 Votes)
Total Voters: 192

I used to dent more than I would tweet, just because I like the open nature of identi.ca. However, of late, I have found that I find more useful stuff on Twitter. I use Twitter to find stuff online I like, but when I have a lazyweb-type question, I still go to identi.ca.
I now Tweet. I have stopped using my Identi.ca account. The people I want to reach, and who we need to reach are on Twitter and not Identi.ca.
I only dent – but have my dents forwarded to a twitter account. I don’t look into twitter directly.
In my case, I’m not very addicted to micro-blogging bu like Gerfried Fuchs when I have to do it I dent and forward them (via identi-ca) to tweeter.