ubuntu Tunisian LoCo ready for reapproval

Last year on 22th July, 2008 our Tunisian Team was approved as an official LoCo team and  began the first Arabic approved LoCo Team and the second on Africa. Based on the yearly review process, and thanks to the work of our LoCo members, we are now ready for reapproval.

During this first year we focused our efforts on the presentation and promotion of ubuntu in schools and universities. Our LoCo visited different Tunisian cities to present and to talk about ubuntu and free softwares in general. At each visit we distribute many ubuntu CD , give talks about ubuntu and we animate install party for participants. One of our pilot project was the migration of the computing center of the ENIS (National Engineering School of Sfax), where we have installed ubuntu on 150 PC (10 class rooms). Thus the majority of practical work will be done with ubuntu and with free software equivalent to proprietary software used before this migration.

This last year 13 events was held in 5 towns, 8 high schools, 1 international event etc… All our events with reports usually in French and in English (the complete report or an abstract) are grouped here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/Events. Our talks and presentation, manly in French some of them are translated in English, given by our LoCo members are grouped here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TunisianTeam/Presentations. There is 22 presentations given by 11 ubuntu-tn members where 4 of them are ubuntu members.

Also, the number of members subscribed to our online resources has increased. Actually there is 182 members subscribed to the ubuntu-tn launchpad group, on July 2008 we was 63 (+288%). In the mailing list there is now 376 subscribed member and last year we was 108 (+348%). To be closer to Tunisian people we have also created a group on facebook to promote our LoCo activity and 560 Tunisian facebook uses joined this group.

For more informations about our activity and our future road map, visit our approval application wiki page. And here is a photo album with a little collection of photos taken during our past events.

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